Out of nothing
There's nothing here! - screams the title of an unwritten page.
There's nothing here! - utter the people arriving in Flateyri, my imagined homeland.
Nil de nilo fit et nil in nilum abit - 'nothing happens from nothing and nothing will go into nothing', says the protagonist of Claudio Magris's The Different Sea.
Nil de nilo fit et nil in nilum abit - 'nothing happens from nothing and nothing will go into nothing', says the protagonist of Claudio Magris's The Different Sea.
But if we look closer, close enough, we will see - the grain of paper, a quiet life, a small movement of thought underneath loud sentences.
We - me and you, dear reader - just need to scale down the ways of our searches. And so, we will be able to whisper - There's some beauty here!
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